Serenity’s Bliss pt.3

Serenity’s phone rings, she looks at the screen, silences the phone, and places it back in her pocket. Bentley looks at her, she offers no explanation. The phone rings again. She repeats her actions. Bentley asks, “You need to get that?” She replies, It’s no one. They slowly approach the party, folks were standing in the street. Bentley notices a few of his friends in the crowd. He begins to walk toward them, Serenity following close behind

Serenity sees Paige behind the house. “Bentley, I’m going to check on Paige. Call me later.” Bentley nodded her way as she pulled away from him. Paige was standing out of the view of everyone else, shivering, tears in her eyes. Serenity panicked. “What the hell is wrong? What happened?” Paige could barely utter the words from her lips. Serenity reached for her and she collapsed into the arms of her friend. “He..he.. …he’s… Back,” Paige stutters in a faint whisper before passing out.

Serenity yells for help, Bentley turns around rushing to her. He scoops Paige from her quivering arms and runs to a tin shade building near by. Serenity manages to dial 911 through trembling finders and sweaty hands. ” 9-1-1, What is the location of your emergency?” Serenity freezes as the operator asks the question again. Bentley yells in the background, ” the corner of LaBeouf St and Tara rd. Serenity begins to speak. ” My friend has passed out, we need an ambulance as soon as possible please.

Bentley walks over to the counter in the shed, grabs a towel that he quickly damps to place on Paige’s head. Paige slowly begins to groan as the towel is making contact to her skin. As she attempts to rise, Serenity guides her to lay back down. ” What happened Paige?” Paige looks at Bentley, puts her head into Serenity’s chest and begins to wail loudly.

“Bentley, can you go and wait for the ambulance up front so they know where to come?.” Bentley looks at Serenity, nods his head, and walks out of the shed. Paige retrieves her phone from her pocket and hands it over to Serenity.

“P, I’ve missed you. Not a day has gone by I haven’t thought about your beautiful face. I cant wait to see you soon. Be ready for me.”

“How the hell did he find you, and where has he been?” Serenity asked in shock. “This isn’t good Serenity,” Paige sobbed. She continued to sob into Serenity’s shirt. “I’ve got you Paige. I won’t let you face this alone.”

The medics enter the shed and begin to check Paige’s vitals. Serenity stands and glances at Bentley. ” Thank you,” she mouthed quietly, with tear filled eyes.

To Be Continued……….